The Thai national currency is the Baht. One Baht are 100 Satang. Coin’s are at 25 and 50 Satang to issue. Baht coin’s are at 1, 5 and 10 Baht to issue. Banknotes are at 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 Baht to issue. Banks and exchange offices change unproblematic hardcash and travel-cheques (with passport). You get a better exchange rate in Thailand.
The current exchange rate get to know here “
Baht exchange rate “from the Bank of Thailand
Tipp!! If you sometime to plunge a banknote do not to step with your feet, you would to affront the King, because the King is to see at all banknotes.

25 Satang

25 Satang

50 Satang

50 Satang

1 Baht

1 Baht

5 Baht

5 Baht

10 Baht

10 Baht

20 Baht

20 Baht

10 Baht

10 Baht

50 Baht

50 Baht

100 Baht

100 Baht

500 Baht

500 Baht

1000 Baht

1000 Baht

new 20 Baht note, frontsite
New 20 Baht note, backsite

“new” 20 Baht

“new” 20 Baht
