Shell cemetery - Susan Hoi (Shell fossil beach)
The shell cemetery is about 75 million years old and is a form of limestone layers measured at full tide about 200 meters long and 50 meters wide.
The shell cemetery was once a large freshwater swamp, and most of these dead shells are of the species of snails.
These snails lived and died by the million, to the extent that the dead snails formed a layer upon which existed the living.  Eventually weather changes precipitated the swamp disappearance, but by then the layer of fossilized snail shells was forty centimeters thick, resting on ten centimeters of lignite below which is the subsoil.
The best way from Krabi to the cemetery is by Songthaew (taxi) approx. 14 km in the direction to Ao Nang.
Please don’t be disappointed about these sight. Or you are an interested expert, because at first sight it looks like a large concrete parking space.

      Shell Fossil Beach
Thai photogallery
Phang Nga
Monkey cave
Phi Phi Island
Similan island
Tiger cave
Susan Hoi